Commit to the Process

Everyone in the organization has to be aware or their role and the goals of the organization then commit to the process of using their skills and tool to achieve reasonable goals. Set team goals and ask your team to set personal goals, discuss outlines and share ways to meet these goals. Unite in the fight to close the deal.

These meetings should not take your team away from doing their job and keep meetings to an hour or less. In addition to these meetings keep information on each sales person and make time for one on one meetings or coaching. Don’t pretend that you are the only mentor in the group or these meetings will suck your time from the day. Implement a mentor program for the younger or new sales representatives with older or more experienced representatives to share their stories and know how as well.

Don’t give up commitment, even when it gets hard or if it gets easier keep your commitment to the process. Keep track and focus on the teams goals and share with your team those in your organization that have met or exceeded their personal goals. Showing interest in your team will deepen loyalty and praising them on their goals will show your team that you care about their lives just as much as you do about the direction you want the organization to go. Employees will work harder and jump higher for a leader they respect and trust over one that only sees their employees as tools used to line pockets.

Begin with an attitude focused on guiding salespeople to spend more time with customers. Do not be afraid of asking for outside help from qualified consultants. Outside help is often received better than repetitive stories and guidance your employees have all heard before. Continuing to study and learn how to improve the best practices will help your team to master the sales process. You have all the tools you need, don’t stop sharping these skills and encouraging your team to do the same.

Sales Culture: The Beginning

Sales Culture

Sparking a sales culture in your business or credit union is the first wave of actions that puts your employees on the front lines of sales. Developing this spark into a blaze embodies a cultural shift to arm your employees with sales training, techniques and mentality that exceeds current sales standards. Staying ahead of a sales curve builds relationships within your credit union and extends them to the mass of people that want to join your cause. Creating and maintaining this cascade affect is the best way to make your team a top notch sales force. This blog will help give you the tools and wisdom to lead your sales force through any and all obstacles you may face.

The impression most people get from car salesmen is not ideal for a sales culture, we want to employ the entire sales organization into a common and shared direction throughout the organization. Deploying groups of sales teams working together increases numbers, confidence, and harnesses the community power in the same direction.

Instead of the sales team competing against each other for better numbers envision the individual roles of in your organization as gears working together moving your organization through obstacles and past your competition. Never losing focus on the organizations direction and speed deploying everyone’s best efforts to the places where their skills will make the largest impact. Providing the best product information faster, meeting more individual and community goals, communicating ideas effectively and maintaining high but stable expectations, fostering the most efficient sales force possible. This blog will be your guide.

The agenda of this blog is to outline some key aspects on how to unify your team, foster loyalty, recognize individuals for their performance, team goals, starting a mentor program, and replicating success through each level of your organization and not only the short term goal.